Electing the POC Board
POC members elect a volunteer board each year prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Board composition: National Board of Directors is made up of 10 member-elected directors, four (4) of whom serve as officers, plus the immediate past president.
Board meetings: The Board meets monthly via Zoom and twice a year for face-to-face sessions.
Voting: Members vote for directors each year by electronic ballot prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) with results announced at the to delegates and the full membership via an e-blast.
The role of president: When the current president has completed his or her term, the directors choose the next president from within the National Board.
Other role appointments: At the first Board meeting of the year, which takes place after each annual conference, the directors choose their roles for the year, and appoint a vice president. Terms are for two years, and each director may repeat a single position twice before having to step aside from that role (they may stay on the Board, but must assume a different role). Each year, other than the officer positions, the directors’ roles may change to best suit the skills and interests of the elected Board members.
Role requirements: Each role has clearly defined responsibilities, which are outlined in the following PDF documents (these open in a new window or tab).