POC has three awards for members who have made noteworthy contributions to the organization and our industry: the POC Ambassador Award, Harold Taylor Award and President’s Award. The Ambassador and Harold Taylor Awards are presented annually while the President’s Award is given on a special merit basis.

Award Committee Policy and Procedure (PDF)

There is no better time than now to recognize a fellow organizer, and we’ve made it so quick and simple for you this year! Complete and submit the nomination form now!


Submit Nomination for Ambassador Award


Submit Nomination for Harold Taylor Award


POC Ambassador Award

2024 Award WinnersAbout the Ambassador AwardPast Award Winners

Dawn Robertson
Get Started Organizing

Congratulations to Dawn Robertson, the recipient of the Ambassador Award in recognition of your commitment to helping others and for representing POC in your community to the highest standards.

Dawn Robertson is a dedicated professional organizer, actively involved in the Professional Organizers in Canada (POC). Serving on BCLM executive committee for several years, as Program Coordinator and currently as the Treasurer. With a passion for continuous learning, Dawn also completed a certified staging course through CSP International  A member of Resilient Women in Business, Dawn mentors and connects with local women to enhance her business skills. Committed to community service, Dawn advocates for individuals with disabilities and supports seniors in transitioning to more supported environments. Dawn’s multifaceted contributions reflect a deep commitment to professional excellence and community support.


The POC Ambassador Award was created to honour a POC member who gives back to other organizers, who is involved with his or her chapter and who devotes time and energy volunteering in the local community. Chapter members and members of the local community may nominate POC members who have made outstanding contributions in these areas.

The criteria for this award are as follows:

  • The nominee is a POC member in good standing.
  • The nominee supports and mentors other POC members.
  • The nominee currently, or has in the past, volunteered in their POC chapter.
  • The nominee contributes his or her time and energy in their community.
  • The nominee has consistently upheld the POC Code of Ethics.

The Award is presented during the POC Conference.

  • 2023 Bev Chandler - C&C Organizing | Stacy Walker Gettin' Around To It
  • 2022 - Adeilah Dahlke – Jigsaw Organizing Solutions
  • 2021 - Ida Tetlock – SMART Organizing & Property Management
  • 2020 - Kerith Paterson – Visual Girl Home Therapy
  • 2019 - Adele Lapointe – Chaos to Clarity
  • 2018 - Colette Robicheau – Organize Anything
  • 2017 - Pauline Hoffman – Just In Time Solutions
  • 2016 - Kelly Hipkin – Organized Lives Ltd.
  • 2015 - Laura Kay – Laura Kay Organizing
  • 2014 - Elinor Warkentin – Goodbye Clutter!
  • 2013 - Stephanie Deakin – Re: Organized!
  • 2012 - Soraiya Kara – POSabilities Personal Organizing
  • 2011 - Wendy Hollick – Neat Spaces

Harold Taylor Award

2024 Award WinnersAbout the Harold Taylor AwardPast Award Winners

Julie Stobbe
Mind Over Clutter

Congratulations to Julie Stobbe, the recipient of the Harold Taylor Award in recognition of your outstanding contribution to the organizing profession and Professional Organizers in Canada.

Julie Stobbe is a Trained Professional Organizer and Gold Leaf Member.  She began her business Mind over Clutter in 2006. She works virtually helping clients remove distracting clutter, develop routines and manage their time. She enjoys seeing her clients succeed at their projects.  

During her time as a member of POC she has volunteered with 2 chapters, ran the Niagara Networking group, was the Chairperson of the Education Committee, a member of the National Conference Committee and the 25th anniversary committee.

Julie enjoys collaborating with others to create educational resources.


InukshukThe seeds of Professional Organizers in Canada (POC) were sown in 1997, when a small group began meeting regularly to talk about their work in the organizing industry. Harold Taylor was a member of this early group, and quickly stepped up to offer the use of the boardroom of Harold Taylor Time Consultants as a meeting space.

Harold’s experience both as a time management expert and in operating an association management company was invaluable to the fledgling association. He guided the organization, helped source educational speakers, and mentored many many professional organizers.

InukshukPOC was formally founded in 1999, and the Founders’ Award was instituted in 2001, created to recognize outstanding individual contribution to the organizing profession and to POC in particular. Who better to be the first recipient than Harold Taylor, who was unanimously selected for his selfless dedication to POC and to supporting other organizers. The award was renamed the Harold Taylor Award in honour of him as both initial recipient and as inspiration. Harold truly exemplifies the mission and values of POC, and has made significant contributions to the field of organizing.

The award is a glass Inukshuk in a human shape. Inukshuks were erected by the Inuit, in the barren Arctic regions, as signposts to show the way to those who follow. Thank you, Harold, for showing us the way for all these years!


Harold TaylorPOC's Awards committee is responsible for soliciting and receiving nominations, and selecting award winners. A call for nominations for the Harold Taylor Award goes out to the membership in late spring. Members may nominate any POC member whom they feel best exemplifies the mission of our association, and who has made a significant contribution to the field of organizing. POC’s mission is "Providing visibility, credibility and connection”. The awards committee selects the winner from amongst these nominations. The award is presented at the annual conference.

The meticulously handcrafted Inukshuk, created by artist R. Ellsworth, is truly unique, as no moulds are used. Each component is randomly selected, and then the sculpture is erected piece by piece, just as the larger life version would be. This process ensures that each sculpture has its own identity.

Congratulations to all the recipients of this prestigious award!

The criteria for this award are as follows:

  • The nominee is a POC member in good standing and has had active, consistent involvement at both Chapter, and National levels.
  • The nominee is available as a general resource to other POC members (answers questions, provides resources such as recommendations of tradespeople, recycling information, etc.).
  • The nominee develops and maintains mentoring relationships with other POC members (at no charge) and has a visible and professional company profile (i.e., website, social media, print media where applicable).
  • The nominee has media/publicity exposure that brings positive attention to POC, and educates the public about the industry.
  • The nominee has demonstrated specific examples of how they have furthered the mission of POC: Providing Visibility, Credibility, and Connection.
  • The nominee has a minimum 2 years of POC membership.
  • The nominee has consistently upheld the POC Code of Ethics.

POC members are entitled to nominate one or more candidates of their choice whom they feel most deserves this prestigious award.

  • 2023 Elizabeth Alescio - Mlle Range Tout | Stephanie Galipeau - (HOP) Harmonie Organisation Productivité
  • 2022 - Nathalie Bureau – Time Management Specialist | Speaker | Coach
  • 2021 - Mylène Houle Morency – FLO Organisation
  • 2020 - Judy Rickey – Clutter Relief Services
  • 2019 - Hilda Rodgers – From Overwhelmed To Organized
  • 2018 - Janice Kirwin – Lighten Up!
  • 2017 - Alison Lush – Certified Professional Organizer
  • 2016 - Linda Chu – Out of Chaos Organizing Services and Soraiya Kara – POSabilities Personal Organizing
  • 2015 - Carolyn Caldwell – Wellrich Organizers
  • 2014 - Jane Veldhoven – Get Organized Professional Services
  • 2013 - Clare Kumar – Streamlife®
  • 2011 - Kristie Demke – Organomics Professional Organizing
  • 2010 - Joel-Marc Goldberg – The JGAP Group
  • 2009 - Jane Woolsey – An Organized Vision
  • 2008 - Donna Campbell – Organize-etc
  • 2007 - Debra Milne – professionalorganizers.com
  • 2006 - Morva Bowman – Masters of Space and Time
  • 2005 - Estelle Gee – Orderly Lives
  • 2004 - Hellen Buttigieg – We Organize U
  • 2003 - Karen Sencich – Havoc to Harmony and Laurene Livesey-Park, OrganizeMe101.com
  • 2002 - Margaret Miller – TERAGRAM Coaching & Consulting Group
  • 2001 - Harold Taylor – Harold Taylor Time Consultants Inc.

President's Award

2022 Award WinnerAbout the President's AwardPast Award Winners

Georgina Forrest

Georgina Forrest – Smartworks!

Congratulations to Georgina Forrest, recipient of the 2022 President’s Award in recognition of your exceptional and outstanding contribution to the Professional Organizers in Canada and to the organizing profession.

Georgina is a Productivity Coach & Organizing Consultant at Smartworks! For over 16 years, she has shown her clients easy ways to organize themselves. She is a Certified Professional Organizer® with The Board of Certification for Professional Organizers (BCPO).

Georgina is passionate for liberating people from the binds of disorganization and overwhelm, which she has shared in her presentations, coaching, and writing.

Georgina joined Professional Organizers in Canada in 2005. After earning her Silver Leaf status, she earned her Gold Leaf status in 2015. Over the 17 years she has been with POC, she has always volunteered in some fashion for POC, if not on an executive role, Georgina is ever present on a committee of some sort, donating her time, expertise, and commitment.

Her expertise in course development can be seen in her tireless efforts creating, recording & delivering POC’s education courses.

One of the founding members of her chapter in 2005, she was involved and committed to the Calgary Executive in many roles such as membership coordinator, program coordinator, chair, and past chair.

Georgina has been the program lead on the National Conference Committee for the past 5 years, and in the absence of a communications lead this year, she even took up that role (while freely admitting social media wasn’t her forte!).

The President’s Award is presented to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to POC or the organizing industry not described under other award categories. The POC board President chooses the recipient. If there is a recipient, this award is presented at conference.

The POC board President selects the President’s Award recipient based on the following criteria:

  • The recipient is a POC general member;
  • The recipient has made an outstanding/special contribution to POC.
  • The recipient does not qualify to receive an award under any other award categories.

The award may not be presented every year as it is at the President’s discretion. The Award is presented during the POC Conference.

  • 2019 – Stephanie Deakin – Re:Organized! & Clutter Queen Services
  • 2016 – Marie Potter – Professional Organizer
  • 2011 – Alexandra Ross – Organizing Wizard
  • 2008 – Jacki Hollywood Brown – J-organize