Vancouver Island
Who We Are

Our chapter includes all of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands and currently has members from Victoria to Courtenay. Formed in 2006, we are a small but growing group, energetically supporting each other and our communities. We invite those interested in learning more about the professional organizer field and guests in related professions to join us at our meetings.
Meetings are held in Victoria in February, April, June, September and and November. We hold social gatherings in the summer and in January, and occasionally plan special events or field trips throughout the year. On request, we host meetings in Nanaimo to accommodate our members and other interested parties who live outside the south Island area.
Our goal is to provide educational opportunities that are relevant and interesting. Meetings sometimes feature a speaker with expertise in an area of interest to organizers: recycling practices, marketing and branding, resources for selling clients’ items, and many other topics. We also make use of in-house expertise with discussions about subjects such as personal safety, niche organizing skills, organizing tools, local resources, and more. Time is allotted in the agenda for Q&A, information-sharing and informal networking.
We are always looking for new and innovative ideas and speakers to engage our membership. If there is a topic you would like covered, or if you would like to present to our participants, please contact us at the email address below.
Our casual and enthusiastic meetings are currently held on the third Monday of the month from 6:30-8:30 pm, at the Sands Reception Centre at 317 Goldstream Ave. in Colwood (near Victoria). Visitors are welcome, for a nominal fee of $10.
Members and guests please RSVP to This way we will be sure to update you in the event of any changes.
A $10 meeting fee will be charged to guests.
Member’s fees are included in the POC yearly fees.
Chapter Contact
Stephanie Deakin-Ricketts, Communications Coordinator
Chapter Executive
- Chapter Chair: Desiree White-Raagner
- Vice Chair: Saija Tissari
- Treasurer & Communications Coordinator: Stephanie Deakin-Ricketts
- Secretary: Janet Stitt
- Past Chair & Co-Secretary: Sarah Tudway-Cains
- Membership & Librarian: Desiree White-Raagner